Noted film-maker Thangar Bachchan has said that he has just completed making a short-film on the ravages caused by the recent Thane storm which hit the Cuddalore District in Tamil Nadu and the neighbouring Puducherry in an unprecedented manner. People were shown on television scurrying to save their lives while many men tried to hang around electric poles and trees to escape getting carried away by the winds.
Cinematographer-turned-director Thangar happens to be a native of Cuddalore District. As such, he felt so devastated by the tragedy which struck the people with whom he had grown with and mingled all along his life. Thangar is taking special care to oversee the relief and rehabilitation measures that are provided by the Govt. and other bodies for the affected populace.
Thangar is also going on the television media quite often to speak about the tragedy and to raise awareness among the general public requesting them to donate liberally to mitigate the suffering of their brethren. He met press-persons recently. During the course of his interaction with the journos, he revealed that he had made a short film on the tragedy.
“It’s not merely a storm-struck locality; what had occurred was a disaster of worst proportions. I stayed for 3 full days amid the people and collected all the details of the losses suffered by them including agricultural property and other damages. I have recorded them in the form of a short-film which would stand testimony to the untold suffering the people were made to endure.
“I’m sure the authorities haven’t conveyed about the gravity of the situation to Amma who has a kind heart to reach out to the public. There is no drinking water, milk or electricity or ration ships in these localities but the State-owned TASMAC shops are wide open. I wonder how it happened. I appeal to the Govt. to speed up the rehabilitation measures,” said Thangar.
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